The Magento 2 Cookbook is a project created and written by Ray Bogman & Vladimir Kerkhoff.
The following 8 chapters will give you a good overview on how to start working with Magento 2. More than 342 pages and 50 indepth Magento 2 recipes.
Install Magento 2 on Apache and Nginx
Installing Magento 2 is a total different ball game compared to Magento 1. Where Magento 1 could be installed thru FTP or SSH for an experienced webmaster is Magento 2 only installable via the command-line interface (SSH). A major change installing Magento is the need to use Composer. Currently Apache and Nginx are still one of the most used webservers to use with Magento.
- Installing Magento 2 on Apache
- Installing Magento 2 on Nginx
- Installing PHP-PFM
- Installing HHVM
- Installing MySQL
- Installing Magento 2
- Installing Magento 2 on Hypernode
- Managing Magento 2 on Docker
Magento 2 system tools
Managing Magento 2 via the command shell is new. Magento released a new powerful tool to manage and install sample data,reindex your database, backup your site or flush your caches are just a few of the options.
- Installing Magento 2 sample data via GUI
- Installing Magento 2 sample data via command-line
- Managing Magento 2 indexes via command-line
- Managing Magento 2 cache via command-line
- Managing Magento 2 backup via command-line
- Transferring your Magento 1 database to Magento 2
Enable performance in Magento 2
To really use the performance of Magento 2 you can enable different type of caching options. The basic caching for configuration and session can be stored in Redis. In Magento 2 the Full Page Cache (FPC) can be handled by Varnish to give your store a performance boost. But there are also external services that you can use as a cache.
- Configuring Redis for configuration cache
- Configuring Memcached for session caching
- Configuring Varnish as the Full Page Cache
- Configuring Magento 2 with Cloudflare
- Configuration optimized images in Magento 2
- Configuration Magento 2 with HTTP/2
- Configuration Magento 2 performance testing
Create catalog and categories
Creating a Root catalog is one of the major elements of a Magento store before creating products. Creating the correct product type incl attributes is an important step in setting up a Magento store.
- Creating a ROOT catalog
- Creating subcategories
- Managing attribute set
- Creating products
- Managing products in catalog grid
Managing your store
Managing your Magento store on a daily bases is important. Setting up the correct TAX rules, configuring inventory of creating customer groups are just a small example of managing your store.
- Creating shipping and tax rules
- Managing customer groups
- Configuring inventory
- Configuring currency rates
- Managing advanced pricing
Creating a custom Magento 2 theme
Learn how to create your own theme, based on the Magento 2 Blank theme and how to use the fallback to create ‘seasonal variations’. Explains how the new theme is setup and where files are stored.
- Creating a new theme
- Configuring the fallback to a parent theme
- Changing specific page handle with a layout update
- Adding CSS/JS to pages
- Creating variations of your theme
- Defering js loading thru layout xml
- Changing the template for a current block
- Registering and activating your theme in your store
Create a Magento 2 extension (basics)
Learn how to create a basic extension for Magento 2 and the basic functions needed to use it in a Magento 2 installation. Contains a brief introduction to new methods introduced in the Magento 2 framework and examples how to create basic functions.
- Initialising extension basics
- Working with Database models
- Creating tables using setup scripts
- Creating a web route and controllers to display data
- Creating system configuration fields
- Creating a backend data grid
- Creating a backend form to add/edit data
Create a Magento 2 extension (advanced)
Learn how to use advanced features within extensions for Magento 2. Also includes how to add unit-/functional tests as this is a new requirement for extensions listed on the new Magento Connect.
- Using dependency injection to pass classes to your own class
- Modifying output with the use of Plugins (Interceptions)
- Creating your own .xml module config file
- Creating your own product type
- Working with service layers/contract
- Creating a Magento CLI command option